The Historical Effect of Neoplatonism in the Philosophical Hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer

Keywords: Hermeneutics, Neoplatonism, Gadamer, Plotinus, Nicholas of Cusa


In "El ánimo neoplatónico de la filosofía de Gadamer" (2016), Gutiérrez argues that Plotinus is the root of the ontological theses of Wahrheit und Methode, insofar as the unity of the being of art and language emanates in multiple representations. While previous interpreters have examined this influence on specific concepts of Gadamer, such as truth (Carpenter, 1994), inner word (Arthos, 2009), and critique of modern subjectivity (Doyon, 2012), the historical effect of the Neoplatonic tradition in Gadamer's philosophy has not been fully addressed. This study aims to deepen the analysis in two ways: 1) by extending the tradition from its inception in Plotinus to its culmination in Nicholas of Cusa; 2) by expanding its reception to other texts that elucidate its influence on Wahrheit und Methode. The hypothesis is that the entirety of this tradition influences Gadamer's hermeneutics, revealing a hidden force in the history of philosophy. To substantiate this claim, the introduction examines the reception of Plotinus and Nicholas of Cusa in the German tradition prior to Gadamer. Subsequently, it is analyzed in key texts of Gadamer (1964, 1965, 1980, 2018). Finally, its effective history is investigated in Wahrheit und Methode (1960).


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How to Cite
Díez Fischer, F. (2024). The Historical Effect of Neoplatonism in the Philosophical Hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Patristica Et Mediævalia, 45(1), 31-50.