The Causal Origin of Impossibility according to Henry of Ghent
A Study and Critical Translation of Quodlibet VI.3 and Quodlibet VIII.3
A critical translation of two quodlibetal questions by Henry of Ghent on the causal origin of impossibility, preceded by a preliminary study that analyses both questions within the general framework of his relational ontology. In the first one (VI.3), Henry concludes that the impossibility of something comes from the thing itself (ex parte rei); while in the second one (VIII.3), he holds that the impossibility of something comes from God (ex parte dei). The textual and philosophical analysis shows, on the one hand, the continuity and dependence of the second question on the first one, and, on the other hand, the weakness of the distinction between the formal constitution of the res and its objective possibility, as well as the originality and value of the notion of nothingness (purum nihil) proposed by Henry in both questions.Downloads
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