The Black Pacific and the Pacific’s Black: Contrasting Gilroy’s Theses about Peruvian Black Music

  • Fernando Elías Llanos


This analysis discusses and establishes critical counterpoints on the Afro-Peruvian “rebirth” of the 50s and the circulation of imported aesthetic concepts of Blackness in Latin America, based on theoretical constructs seeking to understand this phenomenon in the light of a postmodern approach on globalization and popular culture. We also offer the alternatives of the notion of Afro-Andean for understanding the historical particularities of the Latin American black subject, in counterpoint to Anglos discourses on the matter, and a case study of black guitar player Félix Casaverde and its notion of Peruvian blackness.


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How to Cite
Llanos, F. E. (2017). The Black Pacific and the Pacific’s Black: Contrasting Gilroy’s Theses about Peruvian Black Music. El oído Pensante, 5(1). Retrieved from