The African Matriarchy in the Brazilian Diaspora and Its Contributions to the Interpretation of Urban Space

  • Simone Antunes Ferreira IEPIC / UFF
Keywords: diaspora, matriarchy, urban space, memory


Understanding that the colonization process intensified not only racism but also patriarchal practices as a structuring element of modern societies, the meaning (significance and direction) that the differentiation and hierarchy of gender made by European populations triggered in the strengthening of patriarchy exercised as domination. However, the different forms of matriarchy in existence and practiced on the African continent were recreated in the Brazilian diaspora through economic, political, cultural and religious relations through community actions brokered by black women. By Bringing the Afro-civilization values ​​synthesized by Azoilda Loretto da Trindade, in addition to basic elements of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Kete Asante, Ama Mazama and Marimba Ani’s Afrocentric thought of and Ifi Amadiume and Oyèrónké Oyewùmí perspective to the African matriarchy, we aim to understand the non-homogeneous centrality of the female figure on the African continent and how this way of being, being, acting and thinking in the world is still inscribed in Brazilian urban landscapes. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to get rid of preconceptions normalized within modern sciences and to understand the relevance of the different ways in which women used, appropriated urban space and forged cities throughout the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.


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How to Cite
Antunes Ferreira, S. (2023). The African Matriarchy in the Brazilian Diaspora and Its Contributions to the Interpretation of Urban Space. Punto Sur, (8), 102-113.