El Método de las Acciones Físicas de Raúl Serrano y la acción actoral como lugar del sujeto

  • Karina Mauro Universidad de Buenos Aires e Instituto Universitario Nacional de Artes
Keywords: Serrano, Acting, Subject, Action, Body, Strcture


This article intends to conduct a theoretical approach to the fundamentals of Acting proposed by Raúl Serrano's "Método de las Acciones Físicas". Based on what is known as the "second part" of the work of Stanislavski -in which the Russian pedagogue arrives to a methodological synthesis that was absent in the terminological and technical profusion of his initial writings-  and also on elements of the marxist dialectic, the Argentine pedagogue produces a methodology in which the subject is present in the performance through its action, with the exception of any rational or emotional speculation that isolates it the circumstances of the scene.


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How to Cite
Mauro, K. (2012). El Método de las Acciones Físicas de Raúl Serrano y la acción actoral como lugar del sujeto. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(15), 127-148. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n15.9004
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