Disponibilidad infinita. Acerca de la hipercomunicación (y la vejez)

  • Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Stanford University
Keywords: Hypercommunication, Electronic Media, Body, Presence, Availability


In a world saturated with opportunities and (very often) the obligation to communicate with and through electronic devices, this essay is a reflection, with personal undertones, about the blurring of the contours of events and everyday life and about the separation between body and conscience in contemporary life. This process leads to the evanescence of the key difference between absence and presence, which is always connected to the body.


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How to Cite
Gumbrecht, H. U. (2012). Disponibilidad infinita. Acerca de la hipercomunicación (y la vejez). Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(16), 262-274. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n16.8965
Estudios de la presencia