Female Monster Clown: new figurations and clown_tacts to undo the human in comicality

  • Melissa Lima Carminha
Keywords: feminism, queer theory, crip theory, laughter, monster


Female Monster Clown is a mobile figuration that pleads for a monstrous and posthuman laughter. It is a tool that can serve feminist, queer and crip movements, as a collective project of laughteresistance to patriarchal comicality, heir to the Enlightenment. Female Monster Clown discusses the status of eccentricity of women throughout history, and proposes plural genealogies of laughter and comedy, through dialogues with other laughing and laughable bodies. She is a deviant mother who, together with her exiled daughters and sons, seeks to rescue the abject and grotesque imaginaries that are located on the threshold of humanity


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How to Cite
Carminha, M. L. (2019). Female Monster Clown: new figurations and clown_tacts to undo the human in comicality. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (30), 1-17. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas2.filo.uba.ar/index.php/telondefondo/article/view/7242