La estructura del teatro musical moderno: un estudio semiótico sobre la composición del género y delimitación de su estructura

  • Tomás Axel Castellanos Vázquez Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara, México
Keywords: Semiotics, Musical theatre, Literary studies, Cultural products, Arts


An analysis of the musical theatre as a performing art. A deconstruction of the genre is made to be studied from a semiotic and literary perspective. Hence, the main purpose is to understand the aesthetic and structural rules that define the musical comedy. Also, an analysis is made on the communication rol that musical theatre has in the unidirectional relationship between the show (sender) and the audience (receiver)


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How to Cite
Castellanos Vázquez, T. A. (2013). La estructura del teatro musical moderno: un estudio semiótico sobre la composición del género y delimitación de su estructura. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 9(18), 111-135.