Destabilizing Perspectives: Bringing the Greek Myth of Thyestes Up to Date in Emilio García Wehbi’s Staging

  • Matías Corradi
Keywords: tragedy, Wehbi, patriarchy, West, myth, Tiestes y Atreo


On the basis of the Myth of Thyestes and the Senecan tragedy, Garcia Wehbi’s play Tiestes y Atreo staged at the Cervantes National Theatre deconstructs a number of key elements of Western-Christian history, such as patriarchy. This article undertakes a semiologic analysis of the various cultural referents (artistic, religious) inserted into the script in order to show how the concept of “inter-textual collage” underpins the poetry of the play, while it constitutes Garcia Wehbi’s main tool to destabilise the dominant symbolic order. 


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How to Cite
Corradi, M. (2018). Destabilizing Perspectives: Bringing the Greek Myth of Thyestes Up to Date in Emilio García Wehbi’s Staging. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 14(28), 163-171.
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