Prácticas colaborativas y producción de conocimiento: la Universidad Libre de Madrid

  • Elena Blázquez Carretero
Keywords: university, participation, struggle, affect, not-knowing


This conversation offers a glimpse into the origin of the Free University of Madrid. This self-managed educational research project arose from the need to create an alternative model of participation in the traditional academic setting. In order to explain its origins and motivations, this text addresses topics related to the struggle of an overburdened and work weary society pressured to yield to demands of production and efficiency. In contrast, a slow and patient craftsmanship is proposed. The text defends distraction as a legitimate and constructive method, and not-knowing as a curious state of being welcoming of discovery and thus, learning. 


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How to Cite
Blázquez Carretero, E. (1). Prácticas colaborativas y producción de conocimiento: la Universidad Libre de Madrid. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (24), 293-301.