De la militancia a la institucionalización. La experiencia de Arteón en los 70

  • María Julia Logiódice
  • Marilé Di Filippo
Keywords: Arteón, politics, militant theater, institutions, unions


Arteón is a theatre group from the city of Rosario which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. During the sixties and seventies, it was one of the most significant groups in the city, considering its career, its management capacity and its impact in the theatrical field. In this paper, we analyze the group’s process of politicization during that period. We hold the hypothesis that Arteón can be seen as an experience of militant theatre (Verzero, 2013) which, unlike other groups, was particular for its marked institutional vocation. Mainly since 1973, Arteón articulated its militant practice with an intense process of union institutionalization, getting, at the same time, progressively close to the state. In this regard, we consider it a privileged object of inquiry to reflect on the problems that emerge between militancy and institutionalization, and between the closing and opening lines of a politicization process when it becomes institutional.


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How to Cite
Logiódice, M. J., & Di Filippo, M. (1). De la militancia a la institucionalización. La experiencia de Arteón en los 70. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 11(22), 1-13.