Convención Teatro’s Fifteenth Anniversary: Communities of Writing and Interrogation in the Independent Theatre from Córdoba

  • Leticia Paz Sena SeCyT, UNC
Keywords: Convención Teatro, Córdoba, Independent Theatre, Contemporary Theatre, Compositive Politics, Convencion Teatro, Cordoba


This 2022 marks fifteen years since the debut of Griegos, Convención Teatro's first theatrical play. Convención Teatro is a singular grupality within the ambit of independent theatre in Córdoba city. In this article, we go over the trajectory of this group, whose integrants oscillate according to each performing project –although it always counts on Daniela Martín as director– and, since 2007, it has released fourteen spectacles. In their theatrical plays, Convención Teatro develops compositives politics like rewriting, experimentation of complex authorships, collective work, configuration of interpellation devices addressed at spectators, exploration of poetic discourse, questioning of theatrical conventions and metatheatricality; this means an affirmative contribution to the inauguration of communities of writing and interrogation.


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How to Cite
Paz Sena, L. (2022). Convención Teatro’s Fifteenth Anniversary: Communities of Writing and Interrogation in the Independent Theatre from Córdoba. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (36).
Dossier: Teatro en Córdoba