Hydra and the Philosophising of Action Art.

Critical Recount of a Poiesis

  • Miroslava Salcido CITRU
Keywords: performative philosophy, theatricality, becoming-minority, critical power, academic research, Hydra Transfilosofía Escénica


This essay seeks to make visible some theoretical problems to which the practice of the Hydra Transfilosofía Escénica research group throws, which from experimentation strives for putting in suspense the conceptual canon of art, philosophy and academic research, in order to question, deconstruct and transvalue these definitions and the frameworks of power that produce their speeches, as well as their spaces and identities. Scenic trans-philosophy is postulated as an interstitial thought that establishes a cross between ethics, aesthetics and politics, making use of the theatrical gaze in two ways: appealing to the essay as a research laboratory and to the use of theatricality as an awareness that reality and its political structures are not something finished but a continuous process, a staging of modes of representation and perception of this representation. Thus, the strategies of performance and its aesthetics of transience are thought of as the tool of the group to overcome dominant values in the academy, in an attempt to open other lines of escape for theory and writing that circulate normatively in the theater studies


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How to Cite
Salcido, M. (2022). Hydra and the Philosophising of Action Art . Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (35). https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n35.11232