Border Bodies on Stage, "Souvenir Asiático"

  • Adriana Sánchez Gutiérrez Purdue University
Keywords: Souvenir Asiático, vulnerability, migrations, liminal territories, deterritorialized body


Over the past decades, global conflicts have produced thousands of forced displacements resulting in a migratory movement around the world, provoking vulnerabilities (Butler, 2016) that question the current democracy policies and exposing bodies to a deliberate mobilization of resistance. In that context, non-violent mobilization claims for egalitarian places from liminal territories (Turner, 1986) where the body is deterritorialized or dispossessed of its identity (Deleuze & Guattari 1972). These dynamics have gone through the Latin American scene, like in the case of Souvenir Asiático (2018) by Los Animistas from Colombia. Their play presents six fragments of migratory crossings, which show the meaning of a vulnerable and dispossessed body as a consequence of policies that violate human rights, exploring the possibility of new theatricalities based on body politics in Latin American theater (Diéguez 2014; Neveux 2013).


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How to Cite
Sánchez Gutiérrez, A. (2021). Border Bodies on Stage, "Souvenir Asiático". Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (34).