
The Draconian Governance of Illegalized Migrants in Western States

  • Barak Kalir Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad de Ámsterdam
Keywords: Colonialism, Detention, Deportation, Illegal immigration, Racism


This article proposes the term departheid to capture the systemic oppression and spatial management of illegalized migrants in Western liberal states. As a concept, departheid aims to move beyond the instrumentality of illegalizing migration in order to comprehend the tenacity with which oppressive measures are implemented even in the face of accumulating evidence for their futility in managing migration flows and the harm they cause to millions of people. The article highlights continuities between present oppressive migration regimes and past colonial configurations for controlling the mobility of what Hannah Arendt has called “subject races.” By drawing on similarities with apartheid as a governing ideology based on racialization, segregation, and deportation, I argue that departheid, too, is animated by a sense of moral superiority that is rooted in a fantasy of White supremacy.


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Author Biography

Barak Kalir, Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad de Ámsterdam
Profesor del Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad de Ámsterdam. Codirector del Instituto de las Migraciones y Estudios Étnicos. Se encuentra actualmente desarrollando un proyecto Horizon2020 titulado “Avanzando Alternativas para la Gobernanza de la Migración”.


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How to Cite
Kalir, B. (2020). Departheid. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 41(1), 89-114.