Of “corrective” to “aguante”. The uses of violence between police and "hooligans".

  • José Garriga Zucal
Keywords: Police, Violence, Honour, Football, Ethnography


In these pages we will discuss how violence is used comparing two ethnographic research, one between the members of what is commonly called hooligans and the other between members of the Buenos Aires police. We hold that the actions violets are resources that actors use as a form of group aggregation and as a builder of social ties. Violence is conventionally interpreted as an action depreciated and therefore is invisivilizada, hidden or overshadowed. However, it is effective to define a sense of belonging and obtain forms of group distinction tool. We, then, in comparison, to violence as a currency of honor and prestige. We end by asking what kind of action is violence and illuminating response comparing different uses that exhibit the cases analyzed.


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Author Biography

José Garriga Zucal
Dr. Antropología. Investigador Adjunto CONICETDocente UNSAM
How to Cite
Garriga Zucal, J. (2016). Of “corrective” to “aguante”. The uses of violence between police and "hooligans". RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 37(1), 39-52. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v37i1.1549
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