Towards a not-market oriented concept of work: labour experiences on a social plant for urban solid waste classification

  • Cecilia Cross CONICET/UMET/UNAJ


This paper presents a reflection on the concept of employability regarding the experience of a collective of workers who manage a “social reciclying plant” placed on Environmental Complex Nº 3, placed on San Martin Dictrict in Buenos Aires Province. The research started on 2003 and continues supported by Argentinean Ministry of Science and Technology. Our study shows that the discourse of employability is effective limiting the expectations of these workers about the social rights they are entitle of. Nevertheless, this concept fail to explain the nature of social bonds recreated by this experiences and the competences requiered to face the daily requirements of the business. Based on this evidence, I argue that the assignment of labour positions  cannot be thought as a market deal, because labour market does not exist as so.


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Informes y documentos

Grito Cartonero, Carta Abierta a la Presidenta CFK 11/6/12,, 20/08/2014

How to Cite
Cross, C. (2016). Towards a not-market oriented concept of work: labour experiences on a social plant for urban solid waste classification. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 36(2), 93-110.
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