An approach to mixed sports

The cases of quadball and 5-a-side soccer in Argentina

  • David Sebastián Ibarrola Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Natalia Eva Buzzo Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Keywords: Sport, Gender, Institutionalization, Quadball, Soccer


Although the works coming from the social studies of Argentine sport have increased in recent years, their approach to the issue of gender has not dealt in depth with mixed modalities of play. Aspiring to make a contribution in this sense, this article aims to compare two amateur and contact practices: quadball, a new activity that has been practiced in Argentina since 2006, and 5-a-side soccer, represented in the experience of recreational circuits of the city of La Plata. From an ethnographic approach, recovering observations in competitive, friendly and social instances, and interviews with athletes, we pay attention to the relationships that are built in them between practitioners of different genders, regulations and the role of institutionalization. We conclude that, while in quadball we observe a reproduction, sometimes nuanced, of the meanings and constructions of the sport as an area of ​​male dominance, in 5-a-side football these links include challenges to social gender mandates.


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How to Cite
Ibarrola, D. S., & Buzzo, N. E. (2024). An approach to mixed sports. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 45(1), 267-286.