Belén: debates en torno a la construcción de un objeto de estudio

  • Laura Quiroga Cátedra de Historia de América I. Departamento de Historia. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires.


This work intends to trace the formation of the Belen category as a category of analysis for the reconstruction of the regional pre-Hispanic past. A close link is established between the stylistic classifications performed at the beginning of the century in order to put some order in the collections of archeological materials and the research on the pre—Hispanic past. In this respect, a tension impossible to release is proposed_when the categories issued from the stylistic classification and the classification of the museum are once again enunciated as a reflexion of the royal social units of the past.


How to Cite
Quiroga, L. (1). Belén: debates en torno a la construcción de un objeto de estudio. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 24(1), 151-171.
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