Antropología y Nación: materiales para una historia profesional de la Antropología en Buenos Aires

  • Pablo Perazzi Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, FFyL UBA


The intention of the article is to contribute to elements for a better understanding of the relation between anthropology and nation, and of its transformation long it of the time. In the first section questions rela tive to the scientific styles were the first generation of anthropologists (1880-1935), and their different ways to focus "national matters". The second section will be destined to study the dilemmas that face the discipline during institutionalization process (1935-1955), and its involvement in the planning of demographic policies through the National Ethnic Institute. By complete, the scientific and academic conditions were examined that framed the profesionalization phenomenon (1955-1966), allowing the emergency of multiple conceptions it approaches the intellectual profile of the disciplinary panels.


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Author Biography

Pablo Perazzi, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, FFyL UBA
Licenciado en Ciencias Antropologicas, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, FFyL UBA
How to Cite
Perazzi, P. (1). Antropología y Nación: materiales para una historia profesional de la Antropología en Buenos Aires. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 24(1), 83-102.
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