Ideological/implementational spaces in Covid-era language policy and planning
Perspectives from Indigenous communities in the Global South
From a language policy and planning (LPP) perspective, the current global pandemic exacerbates long-standing concerns about language education policies and practices that sustain social and global inequalities across linguistic and social populations and identities. There is an urgent need for language users, educators, and researchers to counter those inequalities by filling and opening ideological and implementation spaces for multiple languages, literacies, identities, and practices to flourish in classroom, community, and society. Here, using the lens of scaled and interactive implementational and ideological spaces, and focusing on four ethnographic studies of Indigenous education in the Andes and Mexico, I explore intertwined dynamics of LPP that could be harnessed to address the widening inequalities Covid has wrought in access to Indigenous education and in Indigenous practices of speaking and being.Downloads
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