The human and the animal: unveiling and warfare against the anthropological machine in the writing of J. Swift, J. M. Coetzee and D.H. Lawrence

  • Mauricio Marquez
Keywords: unveiling; war; discourses of rational thought; anthropological machine; body; becoming animal.


This paper proposes a reading and analysis journey through three texts, A Modest Proposal (2010) by Jonathan Swift, Elizabeth Costello (2003) by J. M Coetzee and the poems "Fish" and "The Cry of the Turtle" (2011) by D. H. Lawrence, from which strategies of disclosure and war against the discourses of rational thought that configure the historical functioning of the anthropological machine will be revealed, which, in turn, manages separation and exchange possible hierarchical structure between the human and the animal, operating on the bodies. In relation to this, literature will emerge as a condition of possibility of a vanishing point with respect to the ontological and epistemological order established by this machine, thus embodying the possibility of a specific record and a practice of animal becoming.


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How to Cite
Marquez, M. (2023). The human and the animal: unveiling and warfare against the anthropological machine in the writing of J. Swift, J. M. Coetzee and D.H. Lawrence. Inter Litteras, (5).