Learning in practice. Beginning teachers in rural and urban telesecundarias
Some results from a research on Mexican beginning teachers entitled The first years of teaching in basic education. Reconstruction of practices and experiences in disadvantaged contexts are presented. This study was aimed at beginning teachers from a low secondary school in Mexico City and a low secondary school with television support (telesecundaria) in Chiapas, focusing mainly in their learning in practice processes. This is a qualitative research that analyzes the narrative of these young teachers as well as their professional experience in areas characterized by marginalization, poverty and violence. Other characteristics in the case of the urban environment is isolation and in the rural-indigenous environment, monolingualism. Their first years of service in these communities were recovered and analyzed through their practice–based learning processes, problems, and actions to develop their teaching work. All this constitutes learning in learning a profession, a continuity of the pre-service education received in normal schools, but taking place in a different context and usually unaccompanied.Downloads
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How to Cite
Sandoval Flores, E. (2020). Learning in practice. Beginning teachers in rural and urban telesecundarias. Revista Del IICE, (46), 99-112. https://doi.org/10.34096/iice.n46.8591
Dossier: Estudios y debates sobre educación secundaria