Políticas de Educación Sexual: tendencias y desafíos en el contexto latinoamericano

  • Jésica Baez
  • Catalina González del Cerro
Keywords: Latinoamérica, prevention, gender


In recent years, Latin America has made progress in policies that promote sexual education at schools, through specific laws or through programs implemented by the Ministries of Education or Health. There is a general tendency in favor of including the concept of comprehensive sexuality and the focus of sexual and reproductive rights, as well as the gender perspective in the texts of such regulations. However, there are different interpretations and ways of implementing the policy in each country according to the particularities of the nations and governments. From a feminist perspective, in this paper we map the different policies of sex education aimed at young people, and to raise a classification in relation to the ways of conceiving the prevention and gender perspective. Second, we deepen in three events occurred in three countries –Chile, Paraguay and Brazil– that allow us to reflect on the public debate that aroused sex education policies, and the senses played by different actors.


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How to Cite
Baez, J., & González del Cerro, C. (1). Políticas de Educación Sexual: tendencias y desafíos en el contexto latinoamericano. Revista Del IICE, (38), 7-24. https://doi.org/10.34096/riice.n38.3458
Dossier: Educación, género y sexualidades