Dentro y fuera del sistema educativo. La disputa gobierno-sindicatos (1993-1999)
Educational unions, educational system, educational community, tests
From the summit of the educational unionization, the educational dispute tends to repeat an antagonistic couple: governments vs educational unions. There exists in addition a network of actors that “they range” to one and another side of the contest. There, there are the provincial governments, the Consejo Federal, the academic community and the educational community. The latter often operates as factor of legitimization in last instance, defining the antagonism. It will be analyzed the period 1993-1999, from the Educational Reform menemista up to the summit of the union critique. There we will see how the strategies of the actors tend to be organized “within” and “externally” of the educational system. “Within” there develop tests of systemic order, pointing at technical and pedagogic questions. Constructing a systemic alliance, almost exclusively with his internal actors and with technical and experts arguments. In our case, the government supported an alliance with the majority of the actors of the system: the provinces, the private sector and the academic community. “Externally” there develop tests of political order, pointing at questions of civil nature or economic and social issues. Constructing political alliances with actors beyond the educational system, his arguments tend to be ethical and civil or of social justice. In our case, the CTERA was constituted as “point of joint” of the whole social and political opposition to the government of Carlos Menem.Downloads
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How to Cite
Nardacchione, G. (1). Dentro y fuera del sistema educativo. La disputa gobierno-sindicatos (1993-1999). Revista Del IICE, (34), 81-98.
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