Residencia en el Profesorado de Ciencias de la Educación

Una experiencia universitaria atravesada por las voces

  • María Dolores Román
  • Gabriel Jorge Pranich Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación


Residence in the Faculty of Education Sciences A university experience traversed by voices The purpose of this paper is to share a university experience through the voices in formation in the context of the Residency course of the UBA'S Education Sciences teaching programme. The strategy used in the device born in the testimony from the professional experience of each student, shared in a tutoring group that, polyphonically, are willing to luisten closely and a collaborative Word. Why narrative reconstruction? Because narrating is one of the fundamental operations of construction of meaning that the humans possess; in the act of remembering, we return to our own marks wich opens up a powerful space to question and interrogate about ourselves, and Also being and doing as teachers, generating, in co-production, new knowledge. This is why we ask ourselves about the meanings, about going back over oneself and about the polyphonic power of the group that makes the students' formation. This formation strategy has been the subject of research by the chair for many years. We share here a case that is part of it. Keywords: University experience; remembrance; narration; group; formation.


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Referencias bibliográficas
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How to Cite
Román, M. D., & Pranich, G. J. (2022). Residencia en el Profesorado de Ciencias de la Educación . Revista Del IICE, (52).
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