La inclusión educativa en la educación superior. Límites y desafíos actuales

  • Bibiana Misischia Universidad Nacional de Río Negro


Undoubtedly one of the most frequently used terms in the last thirty years in education is inclusion, it has crept into everyday conversations in higher education fields, it appears as a category in the different theoretical developments, publications and exhibitions in conferences and congresses. However, from our professional and management experience, as members of the Advisory Commission on Disability of the National University of Río Negro, we have questioned not only its use but also its senses. In this process we opted for the recovery of the concept of accessibility, in the physical, communicational and academic aspects. These categories in turn appear in a broader view of the hand of positions linked to difference, transversality and intersectionality. Feel and live the educational experience from the possibility of lodging / hosting, beyond and beyond disability situations. Higher education is a social right that confronts us with a meritocratic logic that still prevails in the university system, places us in the limits and in the challenge of restoring the condition of education as a vital experience, woven into intersubjectivities that more than focused on borders, has the ethical obligation to locate itself in the webs and interstices in pursuit of conditions of equity and fraternity. The intention is, in this general framework, to share with you some experiences that lead us to review the policies and practices that we carry out, in the search for positions consistent with curricular justice strategies within higher education institutions.


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How to Cite
Misischia, B. (2022). La inclusión educativa en la educación superior. Límites y desafíos actuales. Revista Del IICE, (52).
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