“They are acts of effeminated maricas”: The Guzmán from the abyss of gender
effeminacy, eroticism, monster, homosociality, silence
Guzmán’s link with his father organizes a reading protocol wisely recognized by the most eminent alemanists. The protagonist is exposed, in its origin, to the potential determinism of certain paternal scourges in such a way that the ultimate meaning of his existential journey should allow the reading of a triple conversion: to the healthy economy, to religious orthodoxy and, finally to the fine policy. This work recovers a fourth censorship with respect to which a systemic inquiry has not been made: its notorious and disruptive effeminacy. And posits the hypothesis that the link of this memory with the mention of the monster of Ravenna (I, 1, 1) in the beginning of his individual memory bequeaths the keys of meaning to understand the erotic enigma of the identity of the protagonist.Downloads
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How to Cite
Vila, J. D. (2017). “They are acts of effeminated maricas”: The Guzmán from the abyss of gender. Filología, (49), 79-98. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas2.filo.uba.ar/index.php/filologia/article/view/7176