The fault lies with the other: parallels between the two endings (I and II part) of Guzmán de Alfarache
links, deception, vengeance, mutilation, blame
The work will relate the closures of the two parts of the Guzmán de Alfarache to demonstrate the links between Dorido, character of the story interspersed with the end of the first part, and Guzmán at the end of the second. Both divert attention from their own guilt by showing themselves as victims of another’s deception. Of the episode that culminates in the fatal mutilation of Oracio and the departure of Dorido, Guzmán only says to register the joy of not being in love. However, the attitude of Dorido is retaken by the protagonist before the fraud of his fake friend Soto, whom he betrays and condemns to be torn apart. In this way, through revenge - which in both cases consists of betraying the lack of others - the perpetrators of this are healthy, safe and free from punishment. This confirms what is announced in the first chapter of the second part: “All men are like me” and humanity is reduced, in this way, to an identically corruptible whole.Downloads
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How to Cite
Oyarzabal, S. A. (2017). The fault lies with the other: parallels between the two endings (I and II part) of Guzmán de Alfarache. Filología, (49), 55-65. Retrieved from