Ricardo Rojas y Benvenuto Terracini: destierro, muerte y bio-política de las lenguas

  • Diego Bentivegna
Keywords: death of languages, bio-politics of languages, glotofagia, mixture of languages, otherness


In this paper we address the discourse on the death, contact and change of languages in two texts that we have read and compared: the book Archipiélago [Archipielago] by Ricardo Rojas (1942) and the article “Cómo muere una lengua” [How does a language die?] by Benvenuto Terracini (1951). In our analysis, we emphasize the tensions and conflicts arising in both texts as part of a field in construction: the field of the lin-guistic and philological studies. We also inquire into discursive constructions about language and otherness developed by both texts and the “glotopolitics” implications associated with those positions.


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How to Cite
Bentivegna, D. (1). Ricardo Rojas y Benvenuto Terracini: destierro, muerte y bio-política de las lenguas. Filología, (46), 125-138. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas2.filo.uba.ar/index.php/filologia/article/view/2461