Periodizaciones en tránsito: vínculos entre serie literaria y serie histórica en la Historia crítica de la literatura argentina
literary history, Argentinian literature, periodization, generation, vanguards
The paper begins with a concern for a series of critical discourses that, from 1983 to the present, tried to organize the Argentinean literary production into narrative plots with historical plausibility that inquire into the complex relationship between cultural production, society and historical change in the process of constitution of the literary value. The analysis focuses the modes of literary periodization of a literary history project, Historia crítica de la literatura argentina, and proposes the following questions: ¿what are the critical actions that this literary history uses to displace traditional perio-dization methods? And ¿in what way it reflects on the categories considered obsolete and how tests new time measurement frameworks for the historiographical narrative?Downloads
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How to Cite
Maradei, G. (1). Periodizaciones en tránsito: vínculos entre serie literaria y serie histórica en la Historia crítica de la literatura argentina. Filología, (46), 107-124. Retrieved from