La melancolía de Leopoldo Alas o la crítica como escenario: "Clarín" frente al teatro del siglo de oro

  • Mariano Nicolás Saba
Keywords: Leopoldo Alas, Golden Age Theatre, melancholy, critics, irony


Leopoldo Alas was one of the most important critics of his present in the late nine-teenth century. As such, his interest in contemporary theater led him to also think about the golden canon as undoubted conditioning for his time. However, around the Golden Age and the dilemma between tradition and modernization, his critics postulates show certain melancholy possible be traced both in its serious articles and narrative irony of some of his fictions.


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How to Cite
Saba, M. N. (1). La melancolía de Leopoldo Alas o la crítica como escenario: "Clarín" frente al teatro del siglo de oro. Filología, (46), 89-105. Retrieved from