Subordination and Vassalage in La tierra fértil (1999) by Paloma Díaz-Mas

  • Juan Manuel Lacalle
Keywords: feudalism, war, neomedievalism, historical novel, Spanish literature


From a neomedieval perspective, this article analyzes the historical novel La tierra fértil (1999), by the Spanish author Paloma Díaz-Mas, with the aim of addressing the issues of war, subordination and lineage in the context of feudalism (and the possibility of a current neo-feudalism). The return of Arnau de Bonastre to his fief unfolds in the text a complex plot of family relationships and social hierarchies of the time, through the link, both with Bertrán Guerau, his contrasting peer, and with his offspring, the various lords to whom he answers, and the peasants, maids and soldiers subordinated to him. We will be interested, above all, in the effects of violence, marginalization and social injustice. We will begin with an exposition of the theories that argue that we are currently living in (or are very close to) a feudal society, mainly due to the decentralization and shift of power. In this sense, it will be important to understand the characteristics of medieval feudalism, especially in relation to the various links between people. This will lead to observe in what situation certain minorities such as women, Muslims and Jews are left in these contexts and how this is captured in the novel. Finally, the fief-vassal nexus between lord and vassal will allow us to illustrate dependence in its various aspects.


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How to Cite
Lacalle, J. M. (2024). Subordination and Vassalage in La tierra fértil (1999) by Paloma Díaz-Mas. Filología, 2(56).