Ni ciudadanos, ni siquiera helenos.

Esclavos públicos escitas a cargo de la seguridad (eukosmía) en la Atenas del siglo V a. C.

  • Arturo Sanchez Sanz Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Archers, Scythians, demosioi, speusinioi, slaves


The demosioi is interesting as an institution of public slavery assumed by the State, indispensable means for the proper functioning and survival of the democratic system. The demosioi carried out essential administrative tasks, civil servant, etc., that the póleis entrusted to them as an alternative to the performance of citizens in little-recognized areas or, on the contrary, highly qualified and, therefore, likely to allow the accumulation of unipersonal power. For these reasons, public slavery was established as the ideal alternative. However, in Athens an unprecedented group of demosioi arose, the speusinioi, with no equivalent in the Hellenic world and short-lived, made up of slaves of Scythian origin who were entrusted with various functions related to citizen security, surveillance, custody, etc., under the orders of various archons. There is a long debate about their number, authority, moment of establishment and abolition, as well as the reason for their choice, although with the help of epigraphic sources it is possible to shed light on some controversial information about them offered by the few sources we have.


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How to Cite
Sanchez Sanz, A. (2023). Ni ciudadanos, ni siquiera helenos. Anales De Historia Antigua, Medieval Y Moderna, 57(1).