Thucydides: Controversial texts in auctorial comments

  • Roberto Torretti
Keywords: Nicias' virtue, stasis, valuations inherent in words, constitution of the 5000, speeches in Thucydides


Ι analyze four texts drawn from Thucydides auctorial comments, which have been variously understood, and I propose and defend a definite interpretation for each. The texts concern Nicias’ virtue (Th. 7.86.5), the constitution of the 5000 (Th. 8.97.2), the exchange of valuations inherent in words, during stasis (Th. 3.82.3), and the reproduction of political speeches and military harangues in Thucydides’s history (Th. 1.22.1). 


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How to Cite
Torretti, R. (1). Thucydides: Controversial texts in auctorial comments. Anales De Filología Clásica, 2(30), 177-191.