Δεινή γ’ ἡ κρ[ίσις: Menandro y la paradikía como recurso cómico en Epitrépontes (Acto II, vv. 218-375)

  • Emiliano J. Buis UBA / CONICET
Keywords: Menander, Epitrepontes, paradikia, arbitration, New Comedy


The purpose of this paper is to explore some lines of continuity in Old and New Comedy as far as the dramatic treatment of the legal background is concerned. In more specific terms, a rhetorical and juridical analysis of the arbitration scene in Menander’s Epitrepontes (Act II) can reveal some dramatic strategies —i.e. hyperbolization, inversion and transcontextualization— which were already present throughout the Aristophanic corpus. To sum up, a complex parody of the judicial world (paradikia) can be ascertained. This literary device seems to represent an outstanding feature of the comic genre. 


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How to Cite
Buis, E. J. (1). Δεινή γ’ ἡ κρ[ίσις: Menandro y la paradikía como recurso cómico en Epitrépontes (Acto II, vv. 218-375). Anales De Filología Clásica, 1(27), 35-48. https://doi.org/10.34096/afc.v1i27.1767