De/gendering Philosophy: an Un-disciplined Viewpoint of the Philosophical Task

  • Virginia Cano
Keywords: philosophy, de-gender, philosophical imagination


The present paper seeks to address the issue of the productive effectiveness of our hetero-cis-normative philosophical discourses. Following the lessons of feminist and sex-dissident theories, I intend to critically approach and disrupt the performative power of our virile discipline, disputing its androcentric genealogies, canon and imaginative horizon. The (apparent) absence in our field of “women philosophers”, among others, is the expression of the hetero-cis-centric paradigm that organize our field; a paradigm that must be dispute, among other strategies, by enlarging and enriching our de-gendered philosophical imagination. 


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How to Cite
Cano, V. (1). De/gendering Philosophy: an Un-disciplined Viewpoint of the Philosophical Task. Cuadernos De filosofía, (69), 119-127.
Dossier. Filosofía, sexo y género (Cecilia Macón y Mariela Solana, editoras)