La irracionalidad interna del alma y la vigencia del "intelectualismo socrático" en la <i>República</i> de Platón

  • Esteban Bieda
Keywords: Plato, Republic, soul, weakness of will


In this paper we analyze in detail the cases shown by Plato in his Republic where the soul is ruled by one of his irrational parts, mainly the appetite, since this, at first glance, could lead to incontinence actions, this is: actions where rationality is won by the ruling irrationality. We specifically analize the souls of the oligarchic man, the democratic man and tyrannical man, particularly the latter given its absolute disregard of rational factors. Contrary to what might appear at first sight, we try to show why, even in a soul where reason does not prevail over irrationality, weakness of will is conceptually unacceptable and therefore the “Socratic intellectualism” remains in effect. Nevertheless, we will see why the tyrant’s actions are morally reprehensibles, this is: he is not just an ignorant who does not know what he is doing. 


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How to Cite
Bieda, E. (1). La irracionalidad interna del alma y la vigencia del "intelectualismo socrático" en la <i>República</i&gt; de Platón. Cuadernos De filosofía, (65), 15-32.