Crafting Territories

Public Servants as Catalysts of Identity

  • Diego Valdivieso Universidad de Manchester
Keywords: Identity politics, Territorial approach, Development programme, Local political arena, Public servants


   This article explores how the technical work and bureaucratic decisions of front-line state officials implementing development programs participate in the production and circulation of identity and territorial categories. The execution of a participatory methodology for the production of ‘talking maps’ carried out by officials in charge of the Indigenous Territorial Development Program (PDTI) on Quehui Island, in the archipelago of Chiloé, strengthened the will of one of the users groups participating in the activity to form a neighbours association that represents their own interests. This ethnographic example illustrates how the decentralised state interferes in local political arenas through the application of identity categories and of a topographic approach that does not consider the porosity and permeability of territorial boundaries. 


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How to Cite
Valdivieso, D. (2021). Crafting Territories. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (54).
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