De la asimilación a la resistencia: disputas en torno al pasado entre la población indígena de Los Toldos (Provincia de Buenos Aires)

  • Ingrid de Jong Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Indios Amigos, Memory, Identity, Hegemony, Buenos Aires


The analisis focus on the recent re-visibleness of indian identity and organization in areas of Buenos Aires Province, that were integrated into the frontier space in the middle XIX century and the settlements of tribes incorporated at the “indios amigos” regime. This subject refers to the exclusion character of the integration process of that tribes to the national society as well as to diferent factors that shapes the actual specific context. Focusing on the “Cacique mapuche Ignacio Coliqueo´s Tribe” case, at Los Toldos town, and begining from the historical process of inter-ethnic relations in pampeans lands, the article search to characterize the emerging context of new indian associations, and to analize the uses of the past in their discourses. Such purpose involves theorical proposals related to the conformation of the indian identities and memories within hegemonic processes, and the spaces of dispute and controversy involved in this process.


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Author Biography

Ingrid de Jong, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires
Doctora en Antropología. Docente e Investigadora del Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires
How to Cite
de Jong, I. (1). De la asimilación a la resistencia: disputas en torno al pasado entre la población indígena de Los Toldos (Provincia de Buenos Aires). Cuadernos De antropología Social, (20).
Dossier - Artículos Originales