Forced Resettlement Population and territorial Regularization in the Teuco and Bermejito rivers ( Province of Chaco )

  • Alejandro O Balazote UBA
Keywords: Resettlement, Ethnic relations, Territorial Regularization, Borders


In this article I analyze the territorial regularization issues and the population resettlement proces produced in the area placed between the Teuco and Bermejito rivers ( province of Chaco ). First of all, I describe the events occurred during the proces of land restitution to the first inhabitants. Secondly, I describe the complex situtation of land tenure affected by legal issues. Finally, the article anlyzes the social effects caused by the populaation relocation proces by which Toba aboriginal owners will occupy effectively the land restored.


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Author Biography

Alejandro O Balazote, UBA
Dr. en Cs. Antropológicas. FFyL. UBA. Profesor Asociado de Antropología Sistemática II. FFyL. UBA. Director del Proyecto UBACyT “Efectos sociales de la explotación turística en comunidades mapuche de la provincia de Neuquén”
How to Cite
Balazote, A. O. (1). Forced Resettlement Population and territorial Regularization in the Teuco and Bermejito rivers ( Province of Chaco ). Cuadernos De antropología Social, (16).
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