Cuando la apropiación fue adopción. Sentidos, prácticas y reclamos en torno al robo de niños

  • Carla Villalta Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
Keywords: Children’s appropriation, State’s terrorism, Readings on the recent past, Judicial power, Adoption


The children’s appropriation perpetrated by the last military dictatorship has been an exceptional event and, as such has been reported and characterized. Nevertheless, this kind of characterization can lead to be construed as a not problematized reading of these facts, isolating them from the relationships’ context where they were carried out. As from the analysis of two cases of disappeared children which were given in adoption, it is our object in this article to get in depth into a reading’s key which allows to deal with the connection of these facts with bureaucratic routines, practices and procedures of the judicial system which, we understand, may be conceptualized as conditions of a possibility for the development of those criminal practices. Illegal practices which have combined both clandestine as well as pseudo-legal forms and which were plotted on a network of previously existing social relationships and senses as regards the abandonment of children and their adoption.


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Author Biography

Carla Villalta, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
Doctora en Ciencias Antropológicas de la UBA. Equipo de Antropología Política y Jurídica, Sección de Antropología Social, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
How to Cite
Villalta, C. (1). Cuando la apropiación fue adopción. Sentidos, prácticas y reclamos en torno al robo de niños. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (24).
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