Modalidades de gestión del hábitat: redes y capital social en una localidad pobre de la provincia de Córdoba

  • Alicia B. Gutiérrez Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Modalities of management of the habitat, Social reproduction strategies, Social capital, Activist capital, Networks


In the laborious and difficult mission that means for many families to create and to consolidate a place to live, they take possession of the objective conditions stand as possibilities and impossibilities in every new plan or program, giving to them new meanings through new practices and adding them to their own system of social reproduction strategies both familiar and individual. Within poverty’s relational analysis framework, and considering the notion of “social capital” as an axis of interrogation, I intend to show here in which way the same habitation program turn into what might be called two different ways of Modalities of management of the habitat (as objective processes and living experiences) associated to different paths of accumulation of collective social capital, to its different possibilities of being converted into other kinds of capital, particularly activist capital, and to its potential related to the conformation of social networks.


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Author Biography

Alicia B. Gutiérrez, Universidad de Buenos Aires
 Doctora en Filosofía y Letras, Área Antropología, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Docteur en Sociologie, EHESS, Francia. Profesora Titular de Teoría Sociológica y Modernidad, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Investigadora Independiente del CONICET. CIFFYH-UNC, CSE del Collège de France
How to Cite
Gutiérrez, A. B. (1). Modalidades de gestión del hábitat: redes y capital social en una localidad pobre de la provincia de Córdoba. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (27).