Enviromental Suffering and Risk. A case study of the social perceptions of the residents of 30 de Agosto in the context of a socio-environmental conflict

  • Rosario soledad Iturralde Facultad Regional de Trenque Lauquen – UTN, Trenque Lauquen, Argentina
Keywords: Environmental suffering, Environmental risk, Pesticides, Environmental and social conflict, Rural town


This article uses the concepts of “environmental suffering” (Auyero and Swistun, 2008) and “environmental risk” (Douglas, 1996; Beck, 1998) to analyze social perceptions of the inhabitants of 30 de Agosto, in the province of Buenos Aires, who organized a protest against a multinational company selling agro-products in the town center. To do so, we mainly address the contradictions and paradoxes experienced daily in a town affected by the negative consequences of the agribusiness model, taking into account the symbolic weight of agricultural employment and the discourse of scientific knowledge as key variables in the visibility and invisibility of risks.


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Author Biography

Rosario soledad Iturralde, Facultad Regional de Trenque Lauquen – UTN, Trenque Lauquen, Argentina
Licenciada en Antropología Social de la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Becaria doctoral de CONICET, Facultad Regional de Trenque Lauquen – UTN, Trenque Lauquen, Argentina.
How to Cite
Iturralde, R. soledad. (2015). Enviromental Suffering and Risk. A case study of the social perceptions of the residents of 30 de Agosto in the context of a socio-environmental conflict. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (41), 79-91. https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i41.1597
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