Mapuche Ancestral Recovery of Land. The Lof Inkaial WalMapu Meu case of study (Nahuel Huapí National Park, Río Negro, Argentina)

  • Guido Galafassi Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Keywords: Social mobilization, Social conflict, Recovery of land, State, Indigenous People


The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the case of a recent social mobilization which involved a Mapuche community in the southern region of Argentina, known as Patagonia. An “ancestral recovery of land” was claimed to be the objective of the action. Several conflicts emerged due to the fact that the land in conflict is part of the Nahuel Huapi National Park, which implied a straightforward questioning of the National State rights over territory. Apart from that, the recovery process was strongly rejected by local residents. This brought about a new conflict that required the local government's mediation.


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Author Biography

Guido Galafassi, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Doctor de la Universidad de Buenos Aires orientación Antropología. Docente - Investigador CONICET y Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
How to Cite
Galafassi, G. (2012). Mapuche Ancestral Recovery of Land. The Lof Inkaial WalMapu Meu case of study (Nahuel Huapí National Park, Río Negro, Argentina). Cuadernos De antropología Social, (35), 71-98.
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