Secularizing the aura

The tree of life by Carmen Reátegui

  • Víctor Vich Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Keywords: Ecocriticism, Perubian art, Public Spase, Aura, Carmen Reátegui


This essay will comment on an urban intervention carried out by the artist Carmen Reátegui that had as its protagonist a tree cut down during a process of urban modernization in a district of Lima. I examine how the tree began to be seen in a different way as a result of a change (or transfiguration) that the artist produced in public space. This performance, far from observing the loss of the aura, restores it as a highly political operation. 


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How to Cite
Vich, V. (2022). Secularizing the aura. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (56), 41-50.