Geoarchaeology and heritage conservation in the ancient city of Quilmes (Tucumán, Argentina)
The ancient city of Quilmes is located in the Santa María Valley, northwest of Tucumán Province (Argentina). This paper aims to present its preservation state and the degradative processes affecting it and its productive area, from a geoarchaeological perspective. The city is located in an area of active coalescent alluvial cones, which provided easy access to water supplies in the past. However, today that position challenges its conservation, given the torrential nature of the system. Three areas can be distinguished in the city (zones A, B, and C), each one with its geomorphological characteristics and specific preservation problems that must be attended. The several fluvial courses coming from the Sierra de Quilmes give rise to erosion processes that affect the archaeological structures, mainly in the alluvial cone of Las Agüitas river (A zone), the non-restored area. In the restored area (B zone), the strong gradient and the elimination of the vegetation cover favor surficial runoff, generating areas with laminar erosion and sediment movement. Finally, the agrarian sector (C zone), settled over Los Candados river cone, is less affected by these problems.Downloads
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