Social landscapes of Sierra de Velasco northeastern foothills, La Rioja (3rd - 9th century A.D.)

  • Pablo Cahiza
  • Gabriela Sabatini
  • M. Lourdes Iniesta
Keywords: Village landscapes, Spatiality, Geographic Information System, La Rioja


Here we explore the Sierra de Velasco’s northeastern piedmont community settlement patterns between the 3rd and 9th century A.D from a multiscale and diachronic perspective. The methodology involved combines regional full coverage surveys and georeferenced data processing and analysis using Geographic Information System (GIS). A combined analysis of frequency distributions, vector mapping, nearest neighbor, size-rank rule, buffers and kriging interpolation offer different approaches to obtain spatial results that reflect local socio-economic processes. In turn, these articulate foothill landscapes are transformed, from the predominance and recurrence of small residential locations during A.D. 300–600; the concentration of population around more complex and architecturally larger sites between A.D. 600 and 800; and finally, the relocation to high foothills and canyons towards A.D. 800. The villages are characterized as integrated spaces that include residential areas, productive spaces and grinding locations.


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How to Cite
Cahiza, P., Sabatini, G., & Iniesta, M. L. (1). Social landscapes of Sierra de Velasco northeastern foothills, La Rioja (3rd - 9th century A.D.). Arqueología, 24(3), 15-33.