Tooth wear and dietary habits in archaeological populations of the center of Argentina

  • Claudina V. González
  • Mariana Fabra
Keywords: Tooth wear, Diet, Late Holocene, Córdoba


The aim of this paper is to contribute to the knowledge of subsistence strategies and dietary habits of the human populations that inhabited the central region of Argentina during the Late Holocene through the evaluation of physiological stress indicators (pattern and degree of tooth wear). The samples correspond to a total of 61 individuals (19 females and 42 males) recovered from 36 archaeological sites located in two geographic and environmental subregions of the province of Córdoba –Central Highlands and Eastern Lowlands– and dated by AMS between 4058 ± 89 and 370 ± 15 14C years BP. A macroscopic record of the degree, pattern and shape of tooth wear was performed on 1,021 dental pieces, and their prevalence was calculated according to sex, age of death, region (Central Highlands and Eastern Lowlands), and chronological period (before 1200 years BP and after 1200 years BP). Statistical analyzes (Chi-square tests) were applied to test the existence of significant differences between groups. The results indicate the existence of regional and temporal differences in the form and degree of tooth wear. We consider that these differences could be related to different forms and techniques of food preparation rather than to dietary differences.


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How to Cite
González, C. V., & Fabra, M. (1). Tooth wear and dietary habits in archaeological populations of the center of Argentina. Arqueología, 24(2), 133-159.