Metric and morphometric characterization of beads from coastal North Patagonia, río Negro, Argentina

  • Marcelo Cardillo
  • Florencia Borella
Keywords: North Patagonian Coast, Beads, Raw materials, Geometric morphometrics, Metric variation, Hunter-gatherer groups


In this paper, we analyze shell and stone beads recovered from the San Matías Gulf, Río Negro coast (Argentina), using qualitative and quantitative methods. To this end, metric and geometric morphometric (elliptic Fourier analysis) techniques were combined, thereby achieving a more detailed description of design variability. The results show some differences in the shape and size related to raw materials used in these items manufacture. Finally, the causes of observed differences are discussed, with special focus on the weight of the mechanical and physical properties of raw materials used in the preparation of such ornamental objects.


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How to Cite
Cardillo, M., & Borella, F. (1). Metric and morphometric characterization of beads from coastal North Patagonia, río Negro, Argentina. Arqueología, 23(2), 81-97.